Thursday, January 15, 2015

You can overcome!

You can overcome
When you fall and stumble
You can stand back up
You can overcome

You can overcome
When someone hurts you
When you are feeling broken
You can overcome

You can overcome
When you are drowning in sorrow
When you have no hope
You can overcome

You can overcome
When your light is dim
When you feel as if you can only see darkness
You can overcome

You are a powerful creator
You are capable
You are a vibrant light
You can stand tall

Never let anyone convince you otherwise, especially yourself. What have you been wanting to do? How have you been wanting to feel? What have you dreamt of? You can overcome any challenge, any illness, any doubt, any depression. Take the step. Find someone who can uplift you. Do your work. Reach out for help. Change your thoughts. Get the positive momentum going, stop letting the darkness reign. Joy, hope, peace, love - these are all within, let them break free. Shine your light, stand tall, put your shoulders back and say "I AM WORTH IT!!" Namaste :)

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